Sunday, July 7, 2019

#75 - Avalon: Roxy Music (1982)

Roxy Music!  Boy, did I love those guys. So smart, so arch, so cool, so elegant, so ‘80s. I had everything they ever recorded.

They were glam, they were new wave, they were a little punk, and they were pretty darn great. I’m sure you’re familiar with Bryan Ferry. Not everyone, though, knows that Brian Eno started with them as well.

Brian Eno, then and now

Honestly, though, Avalon’s not their typical stuff. Not a lotta dance music here. Much more sedate, stately even “adult,” someone called it. The title track and “More Than This” were the singles off of this one.

It was their last real album, released in 1982. Yup, 1982. All their other stuff really dates back to the ‘70s. Indeed – they were way ahead of their time.

Interestingly, this is another Peter Saville album. A little different than the stuff he did for Joy Division, for sure.

Even more interestingly, the model in this photo continues an old Roxy Music tradition of featuring women on their covers. The person under the Viking helmet is no less than Brian Ferry’s wife, Lucy Helmore.

Marie Antoinette (er, Lucy Helmore) & Brian Ferry

Another very attractive cover model (and girlfriend) was Gerry Hall, one-time spouse of Mick Jagger, and now married to Rupert Murdoch:

Marilyn Cole was a Playboy model (and Ferry girlfriend as well):

Kari-Ann Muller, a former Bond girl, somehow managed to resist Ferry’s charms:

Some more cool Ferry covers:

And here's, not a parody, but an alternate:

<#76                  #74>

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